Here is our guarantee: If you apply the ideas and systems found in The Outsourcing Lever, your time and freedom will increase. You will have more time to do the things you love. Your relationships with your Filipino workers will improve, and the quality of their work will surge.
If you don’t learn something from this book that will improve your outsourcing experience and quality of life, we’ll give you your money back. We’ll even give you an entire year >365 days< to take us up on our guarantee.
Working with Filipino VAs is so rewarding.
They’re incredible employees - honest, loyal, self-starting, affordable, creative and so capable.
Outsourcing to the Philippines (the right way) can bring your business success and create more time and freedom in your personal life.
Make the jump to outsourcing, change how you work, create freedom for yourself, and do it the right way.
This new book will teach you how.